Pat and Richard Geer of Geer Services, Inc. were proud to watch as the USS Orleck was moored at its temporary location near the Hyatt Jacksonville. Geer Services has worked with the Jax Naval Museum team over 10 years to help this day come to fruition. We are also...
Pat and Richard Geer recently installed a large MaxMetal print of Cecil Field at the National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum as progress continues with development. Geer Services enlarged the photo suitable for large format printing and JaxColor printed it on MaxMetal...
Geer Services, Inc. is proud to have worked on the decorative artwork for the newly painted USS Orleck. Our team worked to vectorize the ribbon panels, call sign flags, and the Destroyer Squadron (DesRon) 3 patch. The graphics were recreated from old photos and files...
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Pat and Richard Geer were proud to place the wreath in honor of the 93,129 United States Servicemen from all branches of the service whose last known status was either Prisoners of War or Missing in Action. These individuals have never returned to their families and...
Rufus N. Geer USN Eighty years ago today, on Dec. 7, 1941, Japan stunned the United States with an attack on Pearl Harbor. It was one of the defining moments in American history. Rufus N. Geer (Pat Geer’s Father, Richard Geer’s Grandfather) was...
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Geer Services salutes and thanks our Veterans for their service to keep our nation free! We are proud to live in this great land and enjoy our continued freedoms. We continue to honor our veterans by supporting these wonderful organizations, National POW-MIA Memorial...
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