Web Development
A modern responsive design to promote the creation of a museum featuring the USS Adams. Along with providing detailed information about he museum the site also provides various ways to donate funds and purchase merchandise to support the Jacksonville Historic Naval...
Web Development
New responsive web design for the Association of Veteran Friendly Employers on the WordPress platform. Completely custom designed with added functionality for newsletter registrations, social media feeds and future compatibility with an advanced membership module and...
Web Development
Modern design to improve both the look and the overall user experience. The call to action was design and placed to give it added emphasis yet balance against the design of the logo. Return To Portfolio
Web Development
Upgrade of and HTML site to WordPress and a responsive layout while maintaining the original aesthetic. This will allow greater control of the site by the client as well help improve SEO indexing with additional plugins. Visit Site Return To...
Web Development
A modern responsive design. Key features are prominent calls to action. Visit Site Return To Portfolio
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