This Memorial Day in 2023 we think of those who lost their lives while serving our nation. Some were lost on battlefields around the world and were eventually returned to allow their families to get some sort of closure. Today, there are still almost 82,000 families whose family members are still missing in action. Today we think of all the families who lost their loved ones who were returned to our shores and the remaining families who still do not know where their family members are. Our prayers go out to each of those families.
One of the great organizations we support is the National POW/MIA Memorial and Museum who work to honors, educates and celebrates with respect to America’s Prisoners of War and Missing in Action Service Members. Please visit their website at www.powmiamemorial.org and get updates on the progress of the Memorial & Museum progress.

We also continue to support the Jacksonville Naval Museum in their new location in Downtown Jacksonville as they work to restore and share the USS Orleck as a part of our great military and freedom history. Please check out their website at https://www.jaxnavalmuseum.org and also stop by for a visit at Pier 1 in Downtown Jax. It is a great part of American history and progression of the Downtown redevelopment of the museum district.