September in Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Prostate cancer  will affect 1 in 4 men within their lifetime and it is known as the Silent Killer since there are usually no symptoms. It is a slow growing cancer and if treated early, can be controlled. The key to detection is regular or at least annual Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Testing combined with the normal Digital Rectal Exam (DRE). Having an elevated PSA can be caused by infection or other issues with the prostate, but if the PSA number continually increases, it is an indication cancer may be present and you should consult a physician, specifically an Urologist.

Early detection is best prevention to keep the cancer out of other organs where cancer can be fatal. Testing is important, so have a regular PSA and DRE if you are over 50, or younger if there is a history of prostate cancer in your family. Do this even if even if the Government does not agree. The website implies PSA may be dangerous by reacting to high PSA numbers alone. The key is continual increase in the PSA number and that is why annual testing is important!

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